Friday, 3 February 2012

The day after the visit to Guy's

This diary entry will purely be factual: The doctor started by taking my full medical history, discussed the treatment with me in detail, and began the screening process. Routine screening involves taking a blood sample to test for certain conditions - I think it is 7 tests in total. We had a discussion about managing contraception, and my coil was removed, I was put on ‘the Pill’ at so that my cycle of treatment can be managed. In addition I had an internal scan to check that there are no underlying problems with my ovaries or womb and vaginal swabs were taken to rule out any infection.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

While I am waiting

Just picked up the September issue of Gracia. Pretending that I'm reading, but nervously still looking around the room.
I came across this and thought it perfectly sums up where I am today -

Mixed emotions

I arrived at assisted conception unit almost an hour before my appointment is due. I don't like being late.
Now I'm sitting in the waiting area. There's one couple... Dressed to impress... And I can't help but wonder if they are a couple longing to be a family.
3 other ladies are waiting as well. They came prepared with reading material, costa coffees and seem quite comfortable. Am I the only one quite nervous. I think it's obvious that I'm nervous.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

I am humbled

After being interviewed by our local paper with an amazing front page awareness campaign and beautifully written editorial titled 'Why I'm giving the gift of life' I am humbled by the response from local readers. So many people did not even realise there was the opportunity to donate in this way. The awareness of what I am doing is making this whole experience worthwhile. I am just imagining, that somewhere out there is someone who's life will never be the same as they will now experience the life changing opportunity of having a little one of their very own. Have a look at the newly launched website